Audiobooks & E-Books

You can listen to audiobooks using our library catalogue and the other online services below.  The library catalogue links to many free online audio versions of the print books we have on our shelves and our library has audiobooks in a wide variety of other formats that you can borrow.

How to access ebooks, audiobooks AND your account from your mobile device.
1. Install the ‘Destiny Discover’ app via your mobile device’s app store.
2. Open Destiny Discover on your app.
3. Enter your school’s name – SJ Burnside Education Centre – when prompted.
4. Enter a user ID & password. This is your library account. If you don’t have one, please see Courtney Clarke, your Teacher Librarian.
5. Once logged into the Destiny Discover app, click on Follett Shelf icon and you will see a list of e-books and audiobooks.

Free Online Audiobook links below: